Friday, August 29, 2008


Today was a very long day because we moved out of our house and moved in with my grandma. It is only for a while. We won't be leaving for Texas until March who knows I might be spending my birthday on the road OH what fun that'll be. Any way This morning I got up around 7:30 and finished packing because The movers were coming in at 9 so I wanted to get everything out of my room before they got there. But it turns out that they didn't get there until 10 We spent the whole day packing and didn't get done until around 6 this evening. Let me tell you when your moving from 7 in the morning to 6 at night the day seems to just drag on. Applejacks and I have to sleep in the basement. I'm really not looking forward to that I'll be glad when I have my own room again but util then the basement is just going to have to do. On the plus side I get to spend more time with my Grandma.

well thats all I have for know

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The call D.C.

This past saturday was the call in D.C. it was amazing. So much has happened that it's all mixed up in my head. Hopefully by tonight I should have something to share. I've been praying that God would give me something to share and I'm trusting that he will. The morning of the call God gave me a dream and in that dream was Jesus sitting at a table along with some of his angels and they were all praying and above it said to pray for the southern people. I prayed that God would help me figure out what the dream was about. Then a couple of nights ago my older brother called and he was talking about his SOUTHERN Baptist church. when we move to Texas we will probably be going to that church So I've been praying even more about it. So I'll see what happens next.

we'll thats all I have for now