This subject has been on my mind a lot lately. Now that I work at a fast food place its got me more interested and worried about our country's eating habits, before it really didn't hit me how bad our country's eating habits really are. My basic job at Mcdonalds is cooking on the grill and frying the crispy chicken. It has opened my eyes on how bad our cooking conditions are. Just the other day in the crew room at work I was reading the nutrition chart, and I found a sandwich that had 1,070 calories in it alone; to me thats to much I'm not saying that people should stop eating there all together; every once in a while it would be ok but not everyday. My sophomore year in high school my health class watched this show called "Super Size Me". This guy went to Mcdonalds everyday for a month and he got every meal super sized and in just that month he gained at least 60 lbs. He went to the doctor one day and he said that if he kept eating the way he has been that his liver could fail and I was Shocked when I heard that. I think that thats why they took the super size option off the menu. Mcdonalds is alright place to eat but my advice to the people that eat there everyday would be to not eat there quite as often. Plus limit their options like instead of a hamburger get a salad.
Well thats all I have for now.
Have You Ever?
16 years ago
Wow, that's a lot of calories. Half of what most people need in a whole day. Then add fries and a shake, you're done till tomorrow!
Yep, I've heard about that documentary. I know I feel better when I eat right.
Hey Carrie! I miss talkin to you too. How are you doing? I agree with you about fast food. I personally try to avoid it, but we live in a society that demands fast, convenient food. Americans are paying the price by adapting an unhealthy diet. Fast food is pretty much the only thing around Firelands, so what choice do I have. I hope your job is going well. We'll have to hang out some time. ^_^
EWWWW! Nasty fast food! I am not a fan, but admit I do eat it every once in a while. Can't imagine eating a sandwich with that many calories! YUCK!
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