Monday, September 17, 2007

My Job

Today was sort of my first day of work: The only thing that I did though was watch a video about how to cook eggs and breakfast meats. Interesting isn't it? So actually tomorrow is my REAL first day of work. I hope I do well Saturday I had an orientation video to watch it took 3 LONG hours the only good thing about the whole thing is that I wasn't watching it alone one person I was in school with so that was a bit of relief. I did learn somethings though when watching it. That's pretty much it.

Sorry I took so long to post I really didn't have much to talk about but I'm sure that will change.

For those of you who don't know where I work I work at Mcdonalds



K. West said...

congrats on your new job!

ShaggaBear (Linda) said...

congratulations on starting the job!! I'm sure you'll do great!

Billy said...

Awesome on the new job!